Crab slow-cooked in bird’s eye chillis and a special spicy in-house sauce....
Beautifully rustic and earthy, both in its looks and its flavour profile, this side is mad...
Crab marinated with our special masala and deep fried....
Crab cooked in roasted coconut gravy....
Despite its name, chilli crab is only mildly spicy and has a flavour that’s both sweet a...
Choice of sauce Malabari | Green Pepper | Grandma Style | Kumbalangi Fr...
Prawns cooked in thick mild gravy....
One of Paragon's classic dishes featuring prawns cooked in thick coconut milk, it goes per...
Kokum flavoured spicy prawns curry....
Fresh prawns and raw mango in creamy coconut milk....
A fabulous seafood duo cooked with lots of shallots....
Squid cooked with spices and semi-dry onion gravy. ...
Choice of sauce Grandma Style | Kumbalangi Fresh, tender mussels, that ...
Fresh mussels, marinated with our special masala and deep fried....
Fresh mussels pan fried In an authentic spicy masala. ...
Choice of sauce Grandma Style | Kumbalangi Spicy and juicy salmon enhanc...
A homely preparation made with fresh squid that is dry-fried in a tasty and spicy masala b...
Calicut Paragon Mattar Al Tayer Bldg, 20 B Street, Al Karama, Dubai, UAE
M: +971 4 335 8700